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quarta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2008


Domingo 26/10/2008 = Seis meses na Holanda!!!

Bom, devido a uma escassa falta de tempo da minha parte e uma conexao disgramenta no meu predio, nao deu pra postar nada no dia e agora a expiracao se foi....entao la vai uma musica que descreve bem tudo que eu tenho sentido desde que entrei no aviao la em SP ate hj...

Boundaries Are Open - After Forever

I see clearly all my dreams
(you can imagine your whole life)
I know chance is always near
(with a mind full of conceit)
Make my own reality
(do you even know the truth)
Just imagine

Boundaries are open

Cause you cannot control this
(dreams keep slipping from my hands)
My reality differs from yours
(I must do just what I feel)
The power of imagination is strong
(keep trying, again and again)
So we only try to imagine

Will the force be so strong
It will control one's mind?
Will this power delude or widen the madness
That renders blind?
So the frontiers of our conceit
Then will become indistinct to vanish in thin air

Boundaries are open
But don't believe it's real

So does faith have roots in imagination?
Who is right in the grim
And endless fight for revelation?
I cannot tell what's right or wrong
For we all dwell in imaginary borderland

Boundaries are open
But don't believe it's real

PS: Sei que ando em falta com os (poucos) leitores desse blog, mas minha vida eh uma correria e a conexao do meu predio eh um coco (pra nao dizer outra coisa hehehe)

Mas assim que der prometo atualizar com algumas novidades....bjos a todos....

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